Thursday, March 5, 2009

Opt-in Forms and Email List Management For Your Website

By []Vernita Sherman

Have you ever seen those forms on websites that allow you to sign up for special offers by entering your name and email address? Have you ever wondered how you can have a form like this on your website? Imagine being able to follow-up with your website visitors by sending them a training series, newsletter, special offer, coupons, etc. This is also an excellent way to keep up with current customers and announce up coming sales.

Well this form has several names but most internet marketers call it an email opt-in form (although you can configure the form to include more than just an email address) and you can easily have one added to your website.

After a website visitor submits their information on the form, the follow-up messages are run by a tool called an autoresponder.

There is a difference between a regular autoresponder and the type that sends out a series of messages. A regular autoresponder will automatically send out only one reply email, while a multi-responder or multiple autoresponder will send out a series of messages. This series will be set at time intervals that you choose (once a day, once a week, per month, etc.)

This is how an autoresponder system works:

Once your website visitor fills out the form on your website and submits that form, they will be redirected to a "thank you" page on the site (this page can be anything you want). While your visitor is being redirected to your thank you page, the autoresponder system has just sent them a confirmation email message on your behalf. The first email message is usually a confirmation email where your subscriber has to confirm their request to receive further emails from you.

The way that they confirm their request is by clicking on a special link inside of the confirmation email (your autoresponder system creates this link for you). Once your subscriber clicks on the confirmation link, they will start to receive the first email that you have pre-written in your autoresponder system. Your other emails will be sent automatically at the time intervals that you have set.

Now you will be on your way to building a large list of potential buyers that you can follow up with for future sales.

Don't worry about the technical aspects of having an opt-in form or autoresponder system set up on your website because most internet marketing service companies will offer an email list management (also known as opt-in email marketing) solution for you.

Vernita Sherman is an internet marketing consultant who is the owner and creator of Virtual Marketing Media in Atlanta, GA. Vernita helps local small business owners increase their online exposure by providing them with internet marketing and web designing solutions found at

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List Building With Google Adwords

List Building With Google Adwords

List Building With Google Adwords
By Sean Mize

In order to be fair and complete in writing these articles, I feel like I have to address Google Adwords. I will tell you right up front that I have heard of people using it to build big lists. I have added as many as 50 subscribers a day pretty easy – in fact, I think I could have added 500 subscribers per day if I were willing to spend the money – it was pretty consistent, and conversion rates at the squeeze page were good – I think they were around 50%, and my average click was about 50 cents, so each subscriber cost me $1. Which is fine.

The problem for me is that I could not get them to convert to buyers. They would not open their emails, they would not click through to my web pages. Now, I sent them the exact same emails that I send everyone else, the same subject lines, same schedule, everything.

My opinion is, if you were to do some robust testing you can probably get Adwords to work – other marketers claim that they can do it.

I stopped because I was making too much money on my other avenues of lead generation and wasn’t willing to spend the time to do the testing.

Here’s how you would do it:

1) Decide on about 25 keywords that will be good for your campaign.

2) Create a different category in Google Adwords for each keyword – you have to be able to test each keyword.

3) Create a different squeeze page for each keyword, so that you can track each individual keyword conversion rate at your site. (There is tracking software available online; I cannot recommend any; I track everything by squeeze page conversion rate using my autoresponder, and I track the effectiveness of my campaigns only by the sales they make – that is the only thing that matters, anyway, right?)

4) Use the Google Adwords keyword tool to come up with related keywords for each category you have created.

5) Put a daily limit on your advertising that is equal to 1/10 of your total budget for Adwords advertising. Be prepared to spend it all and have dismal results – if you get sales, great, if not, just be prepared. This way you can advertise for 10 days.

6) Spend at least 30 minutes per day studying the results. Change bid prices, change seo keywords, etc. that are not getting good conversion rates.

7) Begin split testing your email campaigns, starting with open rates. Find out which open rates work well for Adwords subscribers. Once you have that down, start split testing email copy to find out what gets the most click throughs.

If you follow this procedure, and develop a campaign that makes money – gets opens and some sales – I might be willing to pay you for your results – so let me know.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

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